Spaghetti Tetrazzini

Nachdem ich dieses Wochenende für keinen Blog-Event koche, kam mal wieder Jamie’s Italy zum Zug. Es gab Spaghetti Tetrazzini. Ich habe das Rezept nur dahingehend geändert, dass ich etwas weniger Fleisch hatte und außerdem die Pilzauswahl nicht so berauschend war und ich ausschließlich mit braunen Champignons zubereitet habe. Statt Creme double gab es saure Sahne und die Spaghettimenge habe ich auf 300 g reduziert und es war für 2,5 trotzdem zuviel. Mein Sohn hat schon beim Servieren beschlossen, dass es ‚voll eklig‘ sei und hat nur ein paar Anstandsgäbelchen gegessen. Uns hat es sehr lecker geschmeckt.
Den Rest des Tages habe die Küche nicht mehr betreten, sondern am Round Robin Projekt meiner Quiltgruppe gearbeitet und Sudoku gelöst.

Spaghetti Tetrazzini

========== REZKONV-Rezept – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Titel: Spaghetti Tetrazzini
Kategorien: Auflauf, Nudeln, Pilze
Menge: 4 Personen


20 Gramm   /a small handful of dried porcini mushrooms
      Olive oil
4     Chicken tights, boned, skinned and cut into bite- sized pieces
      Sea salt
      Black pepper freshly ground
2 Zehen   Of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
350 Gramm   /2 handfuls of mixed fresh mushrooms, cleand and torn
200 ml   White wine
455 Gramm   Dried spaghetti
500 ml   Double cream
200 Gramm   Parmesan cheese grated
1 Bund   Of fresh basil, leaves picked


  Jamie Oliver, Jamie’s Italy, Page 113
  Erfasst *RK* 23.02.2006 von
  Katja Brenner


Preheat the oven to 200 grad. Put your porcini mushrooms in a bowl and pour over just enough boiling water to cover them (approx. 150 ml). Put to one side to soak for a few minutes. Heat a saucepan big enough to hold all the ingredients, and pour in a splash of olive oil. Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper and brown them gently in the oil. Strain the porcini, reserving the soaking water, and add them to the pan with the garlic and the fresh mushrooms. Add the wine, with the strained porcini soaking water, and turn the heat down. Simmer gently until the chicken pieces are cooked through and the wine has reduced a little.

Meanwhile cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions and drain well. Add the cream to the pan of chicken, then bring to the boil and turn the heat off. Seasen well with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the drained spaghetti to the creamy chicken sauce and toss well. Add three-quarter of the Paremsan and all of the basil and stir well. Transfer to an ovenproof baking dish or non-stick pan, sprinkle with half the reamaining cheese and bake in the oven until golden brown, bubbling and crisp. Divide between your plates, drizzle with extra virgin oliven oil and sprinkle with the rest of the cheese before serving.


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